Saturday, January 12, 2008

Whats so great about Ron Paul?

I understand that he is very pro-gun. I completely agree with that. But a single issue shouldnt define who we vote for. Huckabee is very pro-gun and is also very sensible. Ron Paul advocates removing all of our troops from EVERYWHERE in the world. This is extremly myopic. Nevermind the fact that N. Korea would invade S. Korea again in a Heartbeat if we moved even a fraction from that boreder, Nevermind the fact our military would be hamstrung in its efforts to move around and be an active force in the world capable of deploying at any time, etc etc. The man clearly in my opinion isn't fit for President. Ron Paul says that we’re attacked not because we’re free and prosperous, but because we’re meddling where we shouldn’t be. Mr. Paul is profoundly wrong on this issue. Its not our foreign policy the Islamofascists hate, its the filth our media spews over its airwaves everday. Its not Bush's policy in the Middle East or Israel, its the porno, gangsta rap, etc! If Mr. Paul believes its our foreign policy i ask him to examine a truthfull full list of the Terorist attacks form the 70's on against American citizens and interests. Before we were even involved in the Middle East the men in dirty headscarves were attacking us with their suicide bombs. But others would have us believe that its our big business, big ego's and sense of "Imperialism" that has provoked the Third World Street Thugs to attack us, to quote Michael Savage. Read the Book, "Why We Want to Kill You: The Jihadist Mindset and How to Defeat It" by Walid Shoebat a former TERRORIST, and former advocater of Israel's erasure off the world map. The only way we can soundly beat terrorism at its own game, is by fighting dirty.
By the way, im a Libertarian if you question my politics.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Gun Control does not save lives

181 people lost their lives through the inablity to defend themselves from criminals who did not obey the laws. What effect does gun control have on criminals who dont obey the law anyways? Disarming our populace is social suicide. If we make guns illegal, only the law abiding citizens will rid themselves of guns. Criminals won't. The reason out Founding Fathers let us have the UNINFRINGED right to own weapons is not only to protect ourselves from Totalitarian Government, but to protect us from those who would seek to violate our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Gun control laws only help criminals. If Joey down the street wants to find a gun to go kill his classmates, he will find one. If Mario wanted to take out the president, he'll find a gun. If serial killer Jan wants to shoot all her ex's, then she'll get a gun. There is always an illegal trade in everything legal. If someone wants to commit a crime, they will find a gun illegally to commit the crime with. No waiting list, NICS report or anything of the sort required. Gun control only turns citizens into sheep waiting to be picked on by a wolf. I will not be a sheep.